I would bet with my penny inside my pocket right now that everyone still remember Brokeback Mountain (or the gay boys, some would say) from the director Ang Lee. This year he came out with another movie using a novel by the famous Eileen Zhang novel based on chaotic and messed up late 40's Old Shanghai and Old Hong Kong.
Not that keen to watch it in cinema, you know lah, those people inside the censorship board are so damn sensitive; China cut away 7minutes and Malaysia boleh-ly cut away 10minutes, and I had a view on the leftovers with Yang. She is so chinese, maybe that why she goes out with me, and she likes Leehom to the max, later I shall explain.
Now, the title itself is special.
Lust, and caution. Temptation and self control.
In Mandarin, it carried a slight different meaning in terms of caution; Jie simply means abstain or to avoid. Avoiding the temptation of lust? But for how long?
The movie started off in a room, in the Old Shanghai with 4 taitai...